Thursday, October 9, 2008

Coming up on CDay

CDay? Well I would say D Day, but being a dork, I figured C(Caleb)Day would be more appropriate. It seems like just yesterday Jennifer told me she was pregnant. Through the last 39 weeks and 5 days I have thought a lot about being a dad, but I think this week it has really hit me that I am going to be a dad! Not that that is a bad thing. I mean, the excitement has really changed. Before the excitement was for something new and fun. Now the excitement is that kind of excitement that is hard to explain. It is the type excitement that not matter what I do, I stop to think about what is Caleb going to look like? What color will his hair be? What about his eyes? How will it feel to hold a baby and for the first time, it will be mine?

I think the last question I just wrote is the one that I am the most excited about. I have held a lot of babies in my short life, but none of them have ever been mine. It is kind of like a little kid holding a toy and thinking it is great, but at the end of the day, he has to give it back. No, I don't think of Caleb as a toy, but you get my point. Hold him and knowing that he is mine, boy, that is something that makes me get butterflies (the good kind) just to think about.

Hopefully, he will be here soon. But, in the mean time, I will just have to be patient.

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