Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thoughts on Obama

Lets start this by saying that I am an independent and do not align myself with either Republicans or Democrats. Since I do not know who I am going to vote for, I figure I will try and get my thoughts on paper (well I guess this really isn't paper, but I digress). Barack Obama is very charming, well spoken and charismatic. He is also young, green (as far as experience goes) and he comes across as a little arrogant at times. There are things I agree with him on and things that I don't. For one, I do not think bailing out of Iraq is the answer. I am not pro choice. I do not like some of the people he surrounds himself with and calls his mentor (Rev. Wright - I really struggle to even call him a rev.). But, I agree with him on some things. I like his education plan. I somewhat agree with a bottom-up economic philosophy (the republicans would call this increasing taxes). I also agree with the idea that people in Washington has forgotten about the citizens of the US and are more worried about power and their wallets - though has not been that specific.

Now, after saying all of that. Do I think Obama can lead this country? Maybe. Do we really ever know for sure until years after the term of the president we are discussing? I have not done a lot of research of Joe Biden, but I do think that Obama pick a strong complimentary piece to himself. Obama appears, and I stress appears, to be strong domestically and weak on foreign policy. Joe Biden compliments him because he is strong on foriegn poloicy and would (in theory) be able to provide guidance to Obama on his policies.

At this point I have no idea who I am going to vote for, but I will have a post about McCain as soon as the Republican Convention is over and I have a better idea on who this Sarah Palin is.

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