Monday, August 25, 2008

A glimpse of what the future holds

Jennifer and I had some company Friday night. Sara and Davis spent the night with us on Friday while their parents were off at a meeting. I took Davis to baseball practice, and it was…..interesting. I just thought it was funny how every parent there thought they new how to coach better than anyone else coaching. I also thought it was funny what some of the “I know a lot about baseball” guys tried to tell the little boys. One guy actually told Davis to throw the ball at his waist because the boys on the team were short, so no matter where he (the kinda coach guy) held his glove he wanted Davis to throw it low even if he held his glove high. That is probably one of the dumbest things I have ever heard on a baseball field. Everyone knows that you throw to a target which is always the glove of who you are throwing to.

I just hope I have enough patience to deal with people like that if Caleb likes baseball…..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww. I don't think Caleb has any choice about liking baseball. Or sports, in general, for that matter. You'll be signing him up for T-ball in a few years, I bet. :)