Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My political rant

I am going to add my second post of the day…..

The presidential candidates this year seem to be about as weak as ever. On one hand you have a guy who is young, charismatic and a powerful speaker. On the other hand he is inexperienced, untested and does not have much to show for. The other guy is older, experienced and seems to be a little more moderate. However, he has been part of the same Congress that has essentially done worthwhile for years.

So, what do we do? I don’t know. I hate to even think about either Obama of McCain in office because I personally do not think either one is going to be able to solve, or begin to solve, many of the issues we are facing.

I will say this……you will not find me voting for Obama. Why? If I went to a church, or why does it have to be a church? Let us say I meet with a group of people once a week. Let us also say that the leader of that group of people passionately talked about how we (ie the US) is at fault for much of the world’s problems. What if the leader of my group was quite obviously a racists who blames every race other than his own for the problems that he faces. Unless I agreed with him on those things, would I stay a part of that group? Ok, Ok….how about I make it even more simple. Would I be involved with a group of people who spent their lives snorting crack or shooting heroin? Unless I also did those things, why would I hang around that group? So, the answer is no. I choose to hang around people who have like opinions and ideologies to mine. I can disagree with them on certain topics, but the very basics of our beliefs are the same. Obama chose to go to a church where I personal think he agreed with the thoughts and teachings of Rev. Wrong (I shudder to even called him a Rev. – it dirties the title a little bit). He preached hatful thoughts and tossed blame around on anyone and everyone as long as it kept blame from falling on the individual.

I do not have a problem with Obama’s skin color or his name. I have a problem with the teachings that his “mentor” taught him for years. You do not call someone your “mentor” if you do not follow the same ideals.

Now, I do not necessarily think McCain is the answer either. However, he has not been (or it has not come out to this point) a part of a group that I think preaches hatred and racism (yes, blacks can be racists to).

I just wish we could have a candidate with vision and who stood for what is right and not what will get him/her elected. The problem with the world as I see it is that everyone is so worried about being politically correct. Everyone is worried about kissing the rear of someone just so long as it gets them to where they want to be. Most politicians do not care about you and me. They care about power, nothing more, nothing less. There are a few out there who are willing to do the right thing. Some are democrats and some are republicans. But those willing to do the right thing are not the ones you see on TV. They are the ones blacklisted by their parties because they try and meet in the middle to solve issues that will otherwise be left unsolved because the extremist are so worried about making the “party” happy.

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