Monday, March 17, 2008

What a whirlwind of a weekend (pardon the pun).

To start, I am a big UGA fan, but I will admit that I have not followed the basketball team as closely as I have in the past. The direction of the program over the last couple years has not been something I have enjoyed and I have not been the biggest fan of Dennis Felton. However, I will say that as critical of Felton as I have been I have to give him his props and say that he did a miraculous job of getting the players through 3 games in just over 1 day. I would love to seem them do well in the tournament as it has been a long time (back to the G.G. Smith days) since Georgia has had a respectable tournament run. At the end of the regular season I thought it would be a one and done in the SEC tourney for Georgia and then a quick firing of Felton. I think with them winning the tournament he has probably earned himself another couple years.

Jennifer and I went up to North Carolina Saturday morning to see Erica and Brian. We had a nice drive and pleasant weather…..until we got up there. The storms followed us right on up to Winston-Salem. It rained the entire day Saturday and basically forced us to not be able to do much of what we would have liked to have done. It was still a nice trip, but I wish we had been able to have better weather.

The last part of the weekend was that Jennifer decided to tell the world that she is pregnant. The best part about it is that I do not have to worry about watching what I say to anyone. If I say something about it then there is no thoughts of, please don’t get back to Jennifer that I opened my big mouth. The end of may cannot come soon enough (that is when we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl)!

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