Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Today is the day

It feels like it has taken forever and a day for today to get here. We are going to the baby doctor today for the first ultrasound. The doctor said that at this point we should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I have no decided what I am feeling. This whole thing has been a whirlwind of emotions. I am happy, scared, excited, nervous, thrilled, anxious and impatient all wrapped up together. I am extremely happy that I am going to get to be a dad. I am scared because I can't control what happens to our baby over the next 7 months. I am excited about added a member to my family. I am nervous about learning how to be a dad. I am thrilled to know that in 7 months I will have a son or daughter. I am anxious because I don't know what the doctor is going to say today, but I hope he says everything is fine. I am also impatient because I am ready for October to be here already!!

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