Monday, February 18, 2008


Jennifer is doing great. So far she has not been sick, but she has been tired a lot. I think it is funny, but I know here she is coming from when she says that in a way she wants to get sick. Morning sickness just seems to go with pregnancy, so I guess most women would like to have it at some point just to let them know they are really pregnant.

Right now, I am very excited about the next 9 months. The hardest thing for me to do is to not worry about anything. I know I just need to be positive, but we have dreamed of the day we would become parents and I don’t want to wake up one day and find out we are still dreaming. Brad, a friend of ours, gave me some advice and I know he is right – it is just hard to do. The advice was simply yet profound. His wife is pregnant with twins, so the advice he gave is something I am sure he has told himself a lot. His advice is that we just have to let go and let God be in control. It is hard for us to do that because it is human nature, especially for guys, to want to control everything – but, what exactly can we do buy be excited and support the soon to be moms?

Well, now that I am trying to not worry anymore about anything bad happening, I need to pray that the due date changes from October 11th to something else because that is the day of the Tennessee vs. Georgia game in Athens……….ok, ok, ok….I am joking!!

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